The less mess with notes the better

Very happy to have finally setup the dev environment how I imagined:

Then also happy to have my notes jazz setup with a new tool - Denote:

Then also happy to have found a way to sync notes quickly between my wsl and onedrive and ALSO have them under version control in git.

The last part is what this post is about.

1 It is just too much of hassle

Those scripts mentioned above are only on my ubuntu wsl, not on nixos(don't know how to put scripts into .bahrc on nixos build yet), but I am using the notes on nixos, not on ubuntu… then I have think about where and at what stage are my notes between wsl's, then if they are on onedrive, then what about notes at work.. dude, too much! Better go back to the old and trusted solution - put the notes on onedrive, symlink to wsl and that's it. Yes, it will be slower to fetch, but the headache it will save..

ln -s /mnt/c/Users/arvydas/OneDrive/Documents/GIT/notes/ notes

Thank you bye.