Make denote faster on wsl
Before this change the denote notes were stored on Windows system and it would take time for them to get fetched and opened on Emacs that runs in WSL. Each denote command or simply opening a file would take longer than usual. This was annoying.
So I have moved all the denote note files to WSL. Then created a script that would copy all the note files into windows machine, onedrive folder, for them to be synced to my onedrive cloud. This will act as a security measure in case I forget to commit my notes to git and my machine dies. I will still have a quite recent copy of the notes in OneDrive.
1 Update
2 My question to chatgpt .
I have lots of .org files, I currently store them on my window's machine, onedrive folder. So they are backed up to the cloud.
I want to use those notes in a text editor called emacs. But when I ntry to reach the notes over wsl, I must go this path to reach them on windows - /mnt/c/user/xxx/org-notes to
this loads the notes very slowly compared if they were on wsl directly.
How can I BOTH have the files load quickly, same as if they were on my wsl AND have those files in google cloud?
3 Solution not worth considering
I heard that you can create a symlink from windows to wsl. I tried doing that:
# open cmd as admin cd /d C:\Users\arvydas\OneDrive\Documents mklink /D HELLO \\wsl.localhost\Ubuntu\home\arvy\.emacs.d\EMACS_DALYKAI
That worked, symlink was created, but then I started to think what would happen if I delete WSL. All my notes will also be deleted. Meaning that the symlink will point to nowhere. Not good. Ditched this idea.
4 Temporary working solution
Create a symbolic link within WSL that points directly to your OneDrive folder:
ln -s /mnt/c/Users/xxx/org-notes /path/in/WSL/org-notes
This will enable a little bit faster access to your OneDrive-stored .org files within WSL.
Yes, I think it is faster. Notes are created and opened faster.
5 Permanent working solution
What I will do is create a shell script that will automatically run on each wsl launch. It will copy the files from wsl notes dir to OneDrive notes dir.
commit - 2ba4f55
5.1 Option 1 - use cp
command to copy
Shell script lies in:
Can use a simple copy method to copy the files:
- no progress
- no exclusion of directories
- takes everything, not only what has changed
- can not show stats of the run
cp -r GIT/notes/* /mnt/c/Users/arvydas/OneDrive/Documents/notes/
5.2 Option 2(final) - Use rsync
Or can use Rsycn
- it performs synchronization between source and
destination. It copies only the differences between the source and destination
files. It checks file timestamps and sizes to determine which files need to be
rsync -ah --progress --delete --exclude='.git' GIT/notes/ /mnt/c/Users/arvydas/OneDrive/Documents/notes/ --stats
Then make this file executable:
chmod +x .emacs.d/MISC/
5.3 Update .bashrc
file to copy automatically
Add the script execution to your .bashrc
echo '~/.emacs.d/MISC/' >> ~/.bashrc
Now the script will be run with source .bashrc
AKA with each launch of wsl.
Which is maybe more than we need, but good anyway.
Whenever I launch wsl I will be able to see the progress of the rsynch copying procedure.