Renaming django project

From Lifeapi to Lifeapi_project according to these instructions:

1 High-level overview of the process

In Django, renaming a project involves a few steps, but it can be done relatively easily. Here's a high-level overview of the process:

  • Rename the project directory: Rename the root directory of your Django project to the new desired name.
  • Update the file: Open the file in the root directory and update the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE variable to point to the new project name.
  • Update the WSGI file (if applicable): If you're using a WSGI server like Apache or Nginx, update the WSGI file to reflect the new project name.

2 Project's configuration files

Update the project's configuration files:

  • Rename the main project package folder: Inside the renamed project directory, rename the main package folder (the one containing,, etc.) to the new project name.
  • Update the ROOT_URLCONF setting: In the file, update the ROOT_URLCONF variable to point to the new project name.

3 References in code

Update references in code and configuration files:

  • Search for any references to the old project name in your codebase and update them to use the new project name.
  • Update any file paths or URLs that reference the old project name.

4 Testing

Test and validate: After making the above changes, test your project to ensure it runs correctly. Run migrations, start the development server, and navigate through your application to verify that everything functions as expected.

It's important to note that renaming a project can have implications for version control systems, deployment configurations, and other related tools. Make sure to update any relevant configurations or scripts that reference the old project name.

While Django does not provide an automated way to rename a project, following the steps outlined above should allow you to rename your project successfully.