Django Rights application for internal access management


Link - no link to an internal app

1 Intro

Rights app is a Django web app that with the help of LDAP and AD API helps to check user's access rights internally within the company.

2 Purpose

Like many of us junior developers get a task of managing user's access rights. A good starting point when you are new in the company, but quote a boring and repetitive task after the 5th user.

You have the docs for one system - you follow them, user gets added.

You have the docs for antother system - you follow them, user gets added.

I have been that guy, did a few access rights tickets, but quickly realized this can be automated.

I knew there is a way to check LDAP(Linux) rights of the user and I also knew there is an internal AD API that allows to check for windows groups of the user.

Applying my Django knowledge, spun up the app quite quickly, made a "magic button" that after pressed, makes calls to those different APIs and gathers in formation about the user according to predefined groups. Tells us if the user belongs to needed groups or not.

If belongs to a group it should not belong - a button besides to remove the user from the group/server/resource.

If does not belong to a group and it should belong - a button besides to add the user from the group/server/resource.

To this day developers of my previous team are happily using this tool, it saves them enormous amount of time and repetitiveness.