2024 02 OOP and Debugging, growing as developer

1 How was the last month overall

I have grown, learned new things again.

2 Work

Working with Django code base is challenging. [2024-01-30 Tue] I have realized it is so because I don't know anything about OOP.

I realized that when you are the beginner python developer - you don't necessarily need OOP. The projects are smaller in scale, you are working alone on them, there is not much complexity, not much space to repeat yourself.

But when you get more experience, you are getting involved in bigger projects, they are opposite of what I have described above and it just so happens that you start needed OOP.

Django admin is something I would have never configured myself. But good that I had to at work. Touched areas I am very weak at.

I also understood that without pythong debugging(not print statements) I will not go far. I used to code in Emacs, then for debugging go to VSCode, but that is not the perfect practice.. Did it only because I did not find a way to debug properly in Emacs. Found [[][dap mode]]. But had troubles making it work - Dape mode -