Remove an app from django project

Did it once, today, here are the commits:

And below are the steps I took:

Each heading can be a single commit. Do this step by step.

1 1. making the app invisible from the UI

Hiding the links to the app (base.html, etc), removing it from project's file.

When you navigate in the page - you should not get any errors.

2 2. Dealing with the DB table

Luckily my app did not have dependencies to other apps at this time. So it's quite simple.

  • comment out file content of the app
  • comment out file content of the app

Now you should be able to run the app just fine as well, visit the /admin page results in no errors.

Run makemigrations

A migration file will appear in that apps's directory.

Run migrate

Then changes should be applied. In our case - deletion of the tables in our db should be performed.

Commit those changes.

3 3. In PROD

Pull the most recent repo changes, run migrate (since the newest deletion migrations file should be there).

Confirm that the tables were deleted:

python shell --settings=settings.production
from django.db import connection
tables = connection.introspection.table_names()

Tables should no longer be there.

4 4. Delete the app folder

Delete and commit.