Build a website with emacs and ox-publish
Here is my attempt to build a site with ox-publish. But here I will not write much about it.
This way of creating a blog, unlike build a website with emacs and org-static-blog, does not have a possibility to do anything with tags. It does not generate separate pages for tags. In theory it could be custom made with html/javascript, but if org-static-blog is there and you need tags, use it instead.
This is good if you have a few org files that contain ALL the information a bout a certain topic. For example - about Emacs, you have one file called "" and in it you have tens or hundreds of subheadings. You open one file - search - find what you need. This is how I built codeacademy page.
Just keeping some notes for reference:
- my example contains ALL the possible settings you can set in it. Clearly ChatGPT was right on this one here - building development notes website with Emacs
- A list of guides how to build pages with ox-publish ir ox-html-
- Emacs docs -
- good nice example -
- youtube video how it's being used -
- create new files with
- full example of the config -
- System crafters example -
- Footnotes are possible
1 pros/cons
Can do basic batch export with header, footer, no need to use additional package.
More info here how it could be built from PKC times -
and from this guy's video -
and official docs -
if the org file has not changed and you have deleted the html file and you try to publish project again - it will say that the file is unmodified and will not export to html. What we do then, we can forcefully publish it by setting a prefix in org dispacher:
The export dispatcher, which you can summon with C-c C-e in the Org mode, provides the relevant "Force publishing" option under C-f. Thus, to force-publish the current file, type C-c C-e C-f P f.
It will then publish ALL the files once again?
note(look for prefix) -, similar here also -
can actually make links with C-c C-l to file, that's good.
you can also create a script instead of going the default way. explain why its good and how to do both ways.
script - dont export when link problems, nicer preview, logs, see what has been done. no need to use the menus etc.
Check the docs for more options here - org-publish-project-alist docs
1.0.1 PROS
- can work with multiple projects
- each project can be specified in a separate config
- built in
- many options to customise the site
- worked in pkc, should work for me now also
1.0.2 CONS
- denote links don't work
- if a name or tag changes - all links break, have to change them all also