Using emacs together with vscode
Don't remember where it is from, but I quote everything what is written below:
I use Emacs for writing prose and general computing.
But, with respect to programming, I now use both Emacs and VSCode at the same time for the same files/projects. (Although predominantly Emacs).
Some months ago, I started working professionally on a Typescript/Angular project. And my co-workers, of course, use VSCode.
Initially, I kept using Emacs. After a while, seeing the several ide features (go to definition, show documentation, etc.) that my colleagues were using, I decided to give VSCode a serious try and I used it to write Typescript/Angular for a whole month or so.
After that, I tried to see whether I could get similar functionalities in Emacs. I tried both LSP Mode and Eglot. After some fighting, I had a quite usable LSP Mode with the ide features I wanted. Not as polished as VSCode, but totally usable. (Eglot was very nice, but I wanted to try ESLint and it looks like with Eglot, atm, you cannot have multiple LSP servers running for the same buffer.)
Instead of going back to Emacs 100%, I decided to try a hybrid approach, which has been very pleasant so far. I use emacs most of the time, but when I feel that VSCode can offer some additional help I turn to it and then go back to Emacs. To make the process smooth I wrote some lines of elisp that make VSCode open the same file I am currently editing, at the same line and the same column. I have it bound to C-Caps (Actually it's C-Escape, because I have Escape remapped to Caps systemwise). When I want, then, I hit a key, VSCode appears, with the cursor placed exactly where Emacs cursor was, I do what I want to do, save if necessary, and switch back to Emacs. I usually keep VSCode already open in the same project, to allow things to be faster. Here is the elisp:
(defun gp/vscode-current-buffer-file-at-point () (interactive) (start-process-shell-command "code" nil (concat "code --goto " (buffer-file-name) ":" (number-to-string (1+ (current-line))) ;; +1 who knows why ":" (number-to-string (current-column))))) (define-key global-map (kbd "C-<escape>") 'gp/vscode-current-buffer-file-at-point)
I would also like to able to open Emacs from VSCode, remaining in the same file, same line and column, too. Does anyone know how to do that? I couldn't be bothered, so far…
Assuming that Emacs is better than VSCode at certain things (say, text-editing, keyboard-macros, extensibility on the fly) and VSCode is better than Emacs (at least, non-relevantly extended Emacs) at other things (say, code navigation/visualization and certain code-completions), using both at the same time is, I think, an approach that deserves some thought.