Emacs commands

1 2024-02-12 I have decided to put emacs on the shelf for a little while

Here are a few key bindings that I have intensely used back then, not to forget:

C-c c-s - django snippets in html M-g f - all flymake errors M-x q - list variables/func/classes M . - jump to definition M , - jump back from definition M ? - find references M [ ] - jump to previous location C-x r b - jump to bookmark C-x p g - ripgrep project C-h D - devdocs C-M a - start of class C-M e - start of class

C-M u / C-M d / C-M n - jump to beginning/end of a block

2 Emacs commands (from work)

2.1 C-c C-e m M (org-md-export-as-markdown)

2.2 mx truncate lines - wrap long lines

2.3 unfill paragraph - unfill paragraph :)

2.4 Naudok sparse trees su C-c /

2.5 C-x 4 c - clone current buffer

2.6 C-h m - current mode commands n stuff?

2.7 org-change-tag-in-region - batch apply tags

2.8 org-md-export-to/as-markdown - export org to markdown

2.9 ctrl+c+/ in org file for filtering - org sparse tree!!!

2.10 clear sparse tree ctrl+c+/ ctrl+c+'

2.11 in org agenda press / and find ANYHTING you need!!!

not necessarily by tag or todokwd

2.12 Query replace from all files within folder:

worked just fine on [2024-01-25 Thu]

M-x find-name-dired RET it may take some time for all the files to appear in the list, scroll to bottom (M->) until "find finished" appears to make sure they all have loaded Press t to "toggle mark" for all files found Press Q for "Query-Replace in Files…": you will be prompted for query/substitution regexps. Proceed as with query-replace-regexp: SPACE or y to replace and move to next match, n to skip a match, etc. Type ! to replace all occurrences in current file without asking, N to skip all possible replacement for rest of the current file. (N is emacs 23+ only) To do the replacement on all files without further asking, type Y. Call “ibuffer” (C-x C-b if bound to ibuffer, or M-x ibuffer RET) to list all opened files. Type * u to mark all unsaved files, type S to save all marked files

  • * RET to unmark all marks, or type D to close all marked files

3 Shortcuts

Key Binding Function Mode
p Forward one indentation block Elpy
C-up Backward one indentation block Elpy
C-left Backward one indentation level Elpy
C-right Forward one indentation level Elpy
M-down Move line or region down  
M-up Move line or region up  
M-left Move line or indentation block left  
M-right Move line or indentation block right  
M-x elpy-set-project-root Set the root directory of the python project  
C-c C-f Find file in project  
C-c C-s Regular expression match in project  
M-TAB Complete current statement  
M-. Goto defition  
M-* Return to position from last definition lookup  
C-c C-z Switch to python shell  
C-c C-c Send python code to shell (active region or complete buffer)  
C-c RET Send current line to python shell  
C-M-x Sends code of current top level function to python shell  
C-c C-v Syntax check with flake8  
C-c C-n Next flake8 error  
C-c C-p Previous flake8 error  
C-c C-t Start tests  
C-c C-e Edit all occurrences of the symbol at point at once  
C-c C-r f Format code using the available formatter  
C-c C-r i Query for new imports of unresolved symbols, and remove unreferenced imports  
C-c C-r r Run the Elpy refactoring interface for Python code Elpy
C-u C-c C-x C-i See all recently clocked in tasks Org-clock
M-x Customize group See ALL the configurable lines of a mode/package - GREAT!!!  
C-c / Org sparse tree - filter org file for TODO entries and such, to exit - Org
org-sort-entries sort entries by TODO keyword Org
run-python can not find module named… python error. Run run-python in the buffer elpy
dired-git-info-mode shows the commit history of a directory dired
org-agenda-archives-mode shows all the archived tasks in the agenda. org agenda
c-u m-x shell open another shell instance, give it a name  
c-c c-d Helpful at point Docs
C-h b all shortcuts in of current buffer modes Docs
M-x where is which key shortcut is bound to Docs
C-h r docs Docs
C-h i info Docs
C-h ? Other + other choose!  

3.1 Shortcuts

3.1.1 network

  • traceroute
  • ipconfig
  • gpupdate /force
  • gpresult /r

n- ping

3.1.2 emacs

  1. M-g j = Dumb jump
  2. M-% = Query replace
  3. C-M i = FLYSPELL step on a word and correct it's spelling. multiple presses for different words
  4. C-; = flyspell auto correct previous word
  5. F5 = turn on flyspell mode
  6. C-c C-p I = open buffers OF THE CURRENT PROJECT
  7. M-, = Go back one step
  8. C-h i = info about your whole linux system and programs installed
  9. C-h r = info manual emacs
  10. C-h m = describe mode
  11. C-h k = describe key
  12. C-x n s = narrow down to one headline in org mode
  13. C-x n w = widden back to all headings
  14. C-x n w = widen back to normal
  15. C-c u = undo tree visualize
  16. M-x highlight-regexp = highlights word occurences in the buffer
  17. C-x h = mark buffer
  18. C-x SPC = rectangle mode
  19. C-u c-u c-u . = enter current date timestamp - this puts to agenda
  20. C-u C-c . = inactive timestamp with hour and minutes
  21. C-c . = enter current date timestamp same
  22. C-c ! = enter current date timestamp BUT no agenda entry
  23. C-x ( OR F3 = define macro - do a sequence
  24. C-x ) OR F4 = stop defining
  25. C-x e OR f4 = executes macro
  26. C-x C-k n = give name to last macro
  27. M-x insert-kbd-macro = extract contents of a macro (useful when want to put in init file)
  28. M-x apply-macro-to-region-lines = does exactly that
  29. C-SCP x2 = makes a mark
  30. C-x C-SCP = jumps to that mark
  31. C-x r SCP <any> = resgister a key(position)
  32. C-x r j <any> = jump to the key(to that position)
  33. C-c C-w = refile to enother point in the org document or another file
  34. C-c C-s = schedule org item
  35. C-c C-d = set a deadine to org item
  36. C-x C-x = Move cursor to the other end of selection.
  37. C-a a = org agenda
  38. C-c c = capture something (write note and put it somewhere in the template)
  39. C-c C-z = make a note under sme org heading
  40. C-c a a F = follow up mode. expands the task in agenda view
  41. M-u = capitalize all letters of a word
  42. m-l = lowercase all letters of a word
  43. C-x left = previous buffer. Faster than C-x b? maybe. Cia gi winner mode.
  44. C-c C-l = after selecting text - add link shortcut
  45. C-c C-x e = set effort estimate on an org headline
  46. C-c C-x C-c = see the effort estimate table
  47. C-c C-x C-j = go to clock entry
  48. C-c C-e = ELPY Edit all occurrences of the symbol at point at once
  49. C-c C-c = ELPY send REGION to python interactive interpreter,(atsidarys atskiras buffer, arba gali ji isjungti, tai graziai apacioje rodys for a short time) ARBA Gali ctrl+enter po viena eilute
  50. C-c C-d = ELPY show documentation,
  51. C-c C-z = ELPY Switch between your script and the interactive shell
  52. M-. = ELPY go to definition.(or use dumb-jump shortcut M-g g)
  53. C-c n/p = ELPY move to next, previous error
  54. C-c C-v = ELPY Syntax check with flake8
  55. C-c C-n = ELPY Next flake8 error
  56. C-c C-t = ELPY Start tests
  57. C-c RET = ELPY (new shortcut) evaluate line
  58. M-x comint-clear-buffer = clears elpy terminal (C-c M-o)
  59. M-x elpy-config = ELPY config
  60. C-h v kill-ring = Watch your kill ring
  61. C-x o m = AVY swap windows
  62. M-i = indent, cool
  63. M-x emacs-lisp-byte -compile = after modifying emacs package file, run this (while in the opened buffer) to save the changes. Helped with iedit.
  64. M-x eww = EWW browser
  65. C-c C-o = ORG open linka
  66. A = ORG agenda append agenda view to buffer
  67. o = ORG agenda delete other windows
  68. f1 v = DESCRIBE VARIABLE - super useful. can look for all kind of information. Like directories of plugins and so on… try it out.
  69. C-v = scroll buffer down
  70. M-v = scroll buffer up
  71. M-! nautilus . = open current dir in nautilus. oh yeah
  72. M-x clone-indirect-buffer = multiple views of same file
  73. M-o = see council option
  74. M-x flyckeck-list-errors = a list of errors in the buffer
  75. C-c C-p p/d = TREEMACS add/remove project to a workspace
  76. M-x lsp-treemacs-symbols = show the structure of the file
  77. m-x lsp-find-references = show where the function is being used
  78. C-c C-d = when in python doc = gives documentation of chosen topic
  79. C-c / = sparse tree (org mode look up for things)
  80. M-x erc-tls = IRC chat!
  81. /join #emacs or #systemcrafters = IRC join channel
  82. /part = IRC leave channel
  83. /quit bye all! = quit server
  84. /reconnect = reconnect to the server?
  85. /list = IRC list channels
  86. /whois nick = IRC find out whoe the user is!!
  87. / query nick = IRC write someone a private message!! (new buffer opens up)
  88. /msg nick Hello there = IRC sends a one time message
  89. /nick newname = IRC change nickname
  90. C-c ' = edit code block in a separate window (proper indentation and all)
  91. C-c C-x ; = TIMER start
  92. C-c C-x , = TIMER pause/continue
  93. C-c C-x _ = TIMER stop
  94. C-> = multiple cursors - mark next line like this
  95. C-< = multiple cursors - mark previous line like this
  96. C-c C-< = multiple cursors - mark all like this
  97. M-x customize group - customize some stuff
  98. M-x ielm RET package-archives RET = gives some values out
  99. C-c ' = edit source code buffer (useful when need code completion when editint a src code in ORG file)
  100. g-o = DIRED view buffer(or view in another window)
  101. a = DIRED - cycle through directories and open files (leaves no traces(open buffers))
  102. R = DIRED rename file
  103. + = DIRED create directory
  104. m = DIRED mark file
  105. u/U = DIRED un mark file/s
  106. ( = DIRED close/open information
  107. t = DIRED invert marked file selection
  108. % m = DIRED mark all files according to your needs fx. .org \.org$
  109. * = DIRED more options
  110. c = DIRED copy marked files
  111. D = DIRED delete marked files
  112. d = DIRED mark files for deletion
  113. x = DIRED execute the deletion
  114. M-[ = goto last change(previous)
  115. M-] = goto last change reverse(next)
  116. C-a C = configure org agenda (the simple way)
  117. C-' = cycle through agenda files
  118. F11 = full screen mode
  119. emacs -q test.el = debug lisp code this way
  120. C-D = PYTHON mode - PY DOCS
  121. buffer name = creates a buffer
  122. M-x highlight-regexp = highlight search results
  123. M-x clone indirect buffer = duplicate same buffer, edit in two places
  124. M-y = browse kill ring
  125. RET: = ELFEED view selected entry in a buffer
  126. b: = ELFEED open selected entries in your browser (browse-url)
  127. y: = ELFEED copy selected entries URL to the clipboard
  128. r: = ELFEED mark selected entries as read
  129. u: = ELFEED mark selected entries as unread
  130. +: = ELFEED add a specific tag to selected entries
  131. -: = ELFEED remove a specific tag from selected entries
  132. g: = ELFEED refresh view of the feed listing
  133. G: = ELFEED fetch feed updates from the servers
  134. s: = ELFEED update the search filter (see tags)
  135. c: = ELFEED clear the search filter
  136. s-F10 = show minimap
  137. C-c n l = ORG-ROAM-buffer-toggle
  138. C-c n f = ORG-ROAM-node-find
  139. C-c n i = ORG-ROAM-node-insert
  140. C-M-i = ORG-ROAM completion at point
  141. org-id-get-create = ORG-ROAM create an IF for a heading
  142. org-roam-alias-add = ORG-ROAM add another name for a node
  143. C-c n d n = ORG-ROAM-dailies-capture-today
  144. C-c n d d = ORG-ROAM-dailies-goto-today
  145. C-c n d Y = ORG-ROAM-dailies-capture-yesterday
  146. C-c n d T = ORG-ROAM-dailies-capture-tomorrow
  147. C-c n d y = ORG-ROAM-dailies-goto-yesterday
  148. C-c n d t = ORG-ROAM-dailies-goto-tomorrow
  149. C-c n d d = ORG-ROAM-dailies-goto-today
  150. C-c n d v = ORG-ROAM-dailies-capture-date
  151. C-c n d c = ORG-ROAM-dailies-goto-date
  152. C-c n d b = ORG-ROAM-dailies-goto-next-note
  153. C-c n d f = ORG-ROAM-dailies-goto-previous-note
  154. Batch rename files - open dired-toggle-read-only
  155. - git rm –cached <path to file> = removes git file from repo, keeps it in folder
  156. C-M o when in 'find file' = drop-down of suggestions of what to do with files, list.
  157. C-c C-x C-v = show/hide images in org files instead of links
  158. Mu4e - shortcuts here
  159. Ctrl+shift+alt+R - start/end gnome recording
  160. settings set max-screencast-length X - specify the length of the gnome video. 0 instead of X - no duration. 300 instead of X = 300sec
  161. C-u C-C C-x C-i = list of all clocked-in tasks. Primeti? Wow.
  162. C-u thingie on different commands - projectile f.x also - COMMANDER
  163. M-x customize-group RET org-pomodoro = configurations of ANY package listed here
  164. M-x use-package-report = shows packages that got loaded and their load times!!
  165. C-u M-x eshell = open two eshells at the same time!
  166. org-customize = customize EVERYTHING about org-mode
  167. C-c C-, = lists the possible <s completetions. discovered at work.
  168. screenfetch = linux info with logo
  169. passwd - change password for linux user
  170. du -hs = how big is a folder in terminal
  171. C-h m = list all the minor modes
  172. C-c C-d = helpful-at-point
  173. C-x C-0 = text-scale-adjust
  174. C-x z = repeat last command
  175. C-c M- o or M-x commit clear buffer - clears eshell or shell buffer
  176. Shift + " = wraps text in parentheses
  177. C-w = whitespace mode, rodo taskiukus vietoj whitespace
  178. C-c - c-e f = fold all children elements of the current father
  179. tern commands - javascript jump to definition, documentation and other cool stuff
  180. org-export-dispacher or C-c C-e(might be conflicitng with pop eshell)
  181. c-x n s/w - org narrow/expand
  182. C-o in dired to preview/view/visit files
  183. C-x C-p - mark whole page
  184. org-change-tag-in-region - apply tag to all headings
  185. C-h i - INFO MODE!!!!! shows all the manuals of packages
  186. c-c c-x p - assign property(category etc) to org note
  187. C-a - add attachement!!
  188. c+h r - open emacs docs, press m to pick topic (f.x bookmarks), RET -

you are reading the docs. NIIICE.

3.1.3 Bindings

  1. Emacs pasidaryk bindings patogesnius

    Last change Bottom top of the file Definition Multiple cursors Jump between paragraphs M-s query replace

    Gal kaip revit??

  2. go to next paragraph su M-n M-p maybe
  3. go to last change emacs M={ }
  4. go to last change emacs M={ }
  5. go to next paragraph su M-n M-p maybe
  6. kaip suzinoti visas commands? pvz agenda… shift + r clocktable, shift + L follow mode

    gal su hydrom galima matyti?

  7. Vim bindings

    evil bindings cheat sheet

    [2022-12-05 Mon] why NOT tu use evil in 2022? zinai ka, gal pabusiu su emacs for now.. it is going great with it. I like it.

    Evil collection plugin in the future - "evil bindings in every package"

    • C-G from INSERT to NORMAL mode
    • C-U go half page up
    • C-D go half page down
    • Shift-A - append to the end of the line
    • C-z - emacs mode(get yourself out of trouble with it. STOP evil)
    • C-w - evil window management
    • C-o - evil JUMP backwards
  8. M-x customize group RET org-pomodoro RET

3.2 commands emacs

3.2.1 ansi-term copy/paste

:CAPTURED:[2023-06-15 Thu 08:30]

C-c C-j will run term-line-mode, which treats the terminal buffer more like a normal text-buffer in which you can move the cursor and yank text. You can switch back to character mode by running term-char-mode with C-c C-k.

3.3 Bookmarks emacs

C+h i - info mode

C+x r b - jump to bookmark C+x r m - make a bookmark here C+x r l - see all bookmarks