Linux ubuntu install

Back in the days when I used to install Linux as a main OS and had to install all the packages one by one.

Before I knew that I can create scripts that do that for me with one click - freshsetup.

Before I knew about nixos.

All this knowledge has paid off of course, it lead me to my second IT related job :)

Here are the steps anyway:

1 Linux install 2022-03-06

  • [ ] install normal + updates - 3rd party packages
  • [ ] after install - sudo apt upgrade (daug)
  • [ ] website download - chrome.deb
  • [ ] website download - dropbox.deb
  • [ ] wait dropbox to download
  • [ ] sudo apt insall git
  • [ ] sudo apt install emacs
  • [ ] add the initial init.el file to .emacs.d folder
  • [ ] M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts
  • [ ] setxkbmap -option ctrl:swapcaps to bashrc to swap caps and ctrl
  • [ ] sudo apt install pip (installs bunch of packages… apie 30)
  • [ ] sudo apt install elpa-elpy
  • [ ] sudo apt install python3-jedi black python3-autopep8 yapf3 python3-yapf
  • [ ] pip install rope
  • [ ] do elpy-config and see what it writes there. Install all it asks
  • [ ] sudo apt install flake8
  • [ ] pip install yapf
  • [ ] pip install jedi
  • [ ] Kad veiktu FACEBOOK DJANGO - sudo apt install python3-tk python-dev, tuomet sudo apt-get install xclip, sudo apt install scrot
  • [ ] download github. go to developer settings and create personal access token. This is your password now.
  • [ ] Do 'git config –global credential.helper store' in command line and attempt to make a push (from command line). Enter username and email, later probably a password as well. Then git should work through magit an everyhere else with no password asked.
  • [ ] install lithuanian language on linux (Settings -> Regional & Language)
  • [ ] '(org-level-1 ((t (:inherit outline-1 :height 1.1))))) to make headings larger
  • [ ] sudo apt install ripgrep (kad veiktu rg emacse)
  • [ ] <2022-03-13 Sun>
  • [ ] sudo apt install npm (for prettier to work on emacs)
  • [ ] sudo npm install -g prettier (for emacs prettier)
  • [ ] sudo apt install cmake and libtool and libvterm-dev (for vterm) and this
  • [ ] <2022-03-15 Tue>
  • [ ] sudo apt install python3.8-venv (del django)