Manjaro installation

First of all - choose non free drivers, cuz of nividia drivers that I have. hope it will solve the problem with the dwm and random screen freezes + tags not working…


htop check - 650M/7.60G 73tasks 143thr sensors check 54

firewall - on

go to updates - update everything that is there (matcha gtk theme this time.. ikd)

3 dots in the same window -> preferences

official repositories -> refresh mirrors list (3-10mins)

AUR -> enable aur support, keep build packages in cache, check for updates

manjaro settings manager -> hardware configuration to see the drivers. graphic drivers preferably shoul be alright. google idk.. this time wont do anything.


install timeshift through the package downloader gui go through the wizard, make sure to set the location of the timeshifts to the home folder

maybe set daily 1?

root - include all fles home - include hidden files only

make one timeshift copy BEFORE installing all the other apps and changes.


sudo pacman -Syu -— System Update

install anki throught the shop - terminal version is too big lol. sudo pacman -S vim sudo pacman -S brave

get DWM, follow this tutorial -

getting it sudo pacman -S git base-devel git clone git clone sudo pacman -S dmenu

installing/making it cd dwm sudo make clean install cd st sudo make clean install

now dmenu is installed, st and dwm as well. now you might think you just log out and it is there, but the computer doest know it has it it doesnt know how to run it.

try typing dwm - you see it says another is running

cd /usr/share/xsessions

sudo vim DWM.desktop

paste this in:

[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=DWM Comment=Dynamic Window Manager Exec=/usr/local/bin/dwm Icon= Type=Application

logout, check the bottom right corner - choose dwm.

make one more timeshift now. Installed - vim, dwm, st, git, anki, brave

##################### CUZTOMIZING ########################

vim plugins brave vimium st terminal (line, font, colors)

install image viewer (through the shop, smalles one possible)

print dwm commands print vim commands print linux commands print vimium commands

##################### PRINTING ########################

install cups for printing. (through the shop) run ./ from the drivers, hopefully also on github. follow first steps from that tutorial or just do: pamac install manjaro-printer (chose nothing) sudo gpasswd -a aze sys sudo systemctl enable –now cups.service and go to cups and do a test page it works!!

try write in terminal: lp filename or lpr filename

see if prints. if doest, then do this command lpstat -p -d if says there is no destination set, do this: Your printer should have a name of some sort – say, InkJet or something similar – defined in CUPS. In CUPS (http://localhost:631), click on Printers, then click on the name of the printer. Then click on Administration and finally, click on Set as Server Default. Exit CUPS.

restart computer, do this command again, should be fine.

fuck I made it work. now write lp filename and it prints!!! wow man. :)

##################### WIFI ########################

type nmtui and choose connection

################### DWM bg image ###################

first lets create a patch for dwm that on every autostart will look for an image and set it up, later we will use the same autostart patch to make the status bar thingy.

go to dwm folder, make this file: dwm-autostart-20161205-bb3bd6f.diff

go to this link then copy the patch code of the first file, named same like you just created and paste the contents into your file. good.

now in dwm folder do sudo make clean uninstall then patch –merge -i dwm-autostar and tab to finish enter

will write that it has been installed. then we make sudo make clean install again.

now lets make a .dwm folder, in which dwm will look for file every time it is booted.

mkdir .dwm vim write #! /bin/bash

feh –bg-scale ~/pics/sunsetdunes.jpg :wq sudo chmod +x ./ and the background should be set. change the image to see the effect and the script working. so cool dude first bash script.

################### DWM admin bar ################### this video.

sudo pacman -S xorg xsetroot -name "hello" - puts hello into the bar.

go to .dwm vim then add while true; do xsetroot -name "$(date) sleep 1s done

set up aliases for terminal cd .. some cool things, just like the hobyist