Javascript in emacs

1 dap mode debugger for javacript

docs -

  • download zip file from here.
  • create two folders ~/.emacs.d/.extension/vscode
  • only extract it like described here.
  • jeigu sako jog file location not found (buffer chrome browser stderr) - perkelk parsisiustus files ten kur jis iesko
  • M-x dap-chrome-setup (while in .js window)
  • M-x dap-debug and choose THE SAME url as live server - f.x react runs on this http://localhost:3000/
  • Or choose file - M-x dap-debug and choose file option
  • then it works boyyyy
  • dap-debug-last to repeat the last debug command, no need to respecify stuff
  • Download the React DevTools for a better development experience: - components and profiler thingies will apper in developer toolbar
  • right click on debug sessions to delete all old sessions
  • double click on the session to navigate there
  • dap-switch-stack-frame - same jump, just without a mouse
  • dap-disconnect - stops debugging
  • dap-debug-recent - see all the recent sessions
  • dap-ui-sessions to jump to sessions and then D to delete sessions
  • dap-debug-edit-template
  • and ofc some thoughts from System Crafters.

2 run js files in emacs

have node installed

can do node testfile.js ir kaskart sita runinant - pakalkuluos tau dalykus. Aisku su python patogiau, gali line by line evaluate, bet vis sis tas.

arba gali naudoti javascript repl(M-x run-js), bus toks pat dalykas kaip ir browserio consoleje - tik naudok sita js-comint package

js-run js-send-region

2.1 javascript and emacs

today installed javascript syntax highlighting for emacs - js2-mode. Love it. Here are some more ideas:

2.2 skewer mode - live javascipt in browser

  • run skewer in javascript file
  • c-c c-k load javascipt buffer to skewer
  • ctrl+alt+x to reflect changes in browser

2.3 live js editing in emacs with skewer mode

  1. open a js file
  2. Enable JS2-mode (a dependency of skewer)
  3. Enable skewer-mode
  4. M-xrun-skewer (a browser opens, go back to myskewer.js)
  5. open buffer called http to check if skewer is running, refresh browser page to confirm
  6. Type alert("hello"); and hit C-xC-e at the end of that line
  7. Go back to the browser.
  8. put in THIS (below) head tag - try to reload index.html window in browser - http should reflect that

    <script src="http://localhost:8080/skewer"></script>
  9. load whole buffer if something

    realiai cia geriausias example -

    bet still man nepatinka, neloadina modules…

2.4 emacs live javascript editing lsp mode

p- write lsp in opened js buffer - choose location

  • lsp works. autocompletion, suggestion (m-x completion-at-point) if it does not
  • REFERENCE FIND - C-c l g r - find by reference(show in other files) (with evil mode jump back with c-o)
  • DEFINITION FIND - C-c l g g - go to definition!!!
  • RENAME - C-c l r r
  • green underline - lightbulb to fix the error (flymake enabled) (let un = undefined;)
  • lsp format buffer (other packages can do a better job)
  • lsp-ui-workspace-symbol - nusoks i definition, nebutinai ant jos hoverint - kazkoks sudas
  • lsp-ivy-workspace-symbol - nusoks i definition, gali is uzpakalio

2.4.1 traukti fn name - megins surasti vistiek. Labai pravartu