Emacs colors in tmux

Jeigu kartais noresi pasileisti emacs in tmux (shudas, kol kas neradau kaip padaryti, kad galeciau close all headers in .org file), tai noresi tikriausiai ir spalvas atitaikyti. By default jeigu per tmux paleidi emacs -nw, tuomet buna shudinos spalvos.

Reikia sekti sita tutorial -

basically this:

~$ which tmux
tmux: aliased to TERM=xterm-256color tmux
# and in in my .tmux.conf:

set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
# Aliasing tmux to "tmux -2" should also do the trick.

#And don't forget to restart your tmux server: (see @mast3r answer)
tmux kill-server && tmux201