Org roam

Quite old notes about using org-roam package in emacs.

  1. Getting Started with Org Roam - Build a Second Brain in Emacs shownotes
  2. Capturing Notes Efficiently in Emacs with Org Roam shownotes
  3. Org Roam: The Best Way to Keep a Journal in Emacs shownotes
  4. 5 Org Roam Hacks for Better Productivity in Emacs shownotes

Taking org-roam everywhere with logseq

KEY - linking roam notes with id's in html -

I have found org-roam to be nice to use as I remember, but file naming was a little strange + I remember I did not like he idea of having a database to store all the links between notes. Also I was not really using the full potential and functionalities(graphs, backlinks, etc) that it offered.

That is why, when the idea of having a "second-brain" started to creep towards me, I choose denote.