Labor market overview

1 Intro

Had a meeting with Laura from CodeAcademy. It is finally time to get for my dream job, I am ready!

2 Python in Lithuania

ppp Python in Lithuania is not that widely used, perhaps in Big Data or Automation.

2.1 Positions after this course for me could be as:

  • Data Engineer/Scientist
  • Automation Specialist
  • Robotics Process Automation / RPA Specialist
  • Testing/QA
  • DEVOPS ENGINEER (junior/entry level). (I think this would suite me best, since I have experience as IT technician where I was involved with deploying and managing various solutions. I could be a better candidate instead of anyone from the street with no IT experience. Automatization, making systems work, that's what I do on a daily basis and this is what I enjoy)

2.2 Biggest Python companies in Lithuania

Here is a list of biggest python companies in Lithuania. Should not forget to introduce myself to each and every one of them :)


2.3 Salary expectations for Junior python developers


According to Laura, biggest salaries with python come from Big Data(should look into in in the future, but first, let's get a foot inside programming role).

3 Job search

There options are endless.

3.1 What is junior anyway?

Hire people with a lot of potential, that will be and grow with you in a long run and not just take someone Super Senior, burn them out in 6 months and get another one.

3.2 I should first of all mention, that I am self taught

I got an advice from a friend to mention that I am a self taught developer first. It will show that I have initiative, discipline, motivation, that I am curious about learning new things, I can work without anyone forcing.

And only then mention that I took CodeAcademy courses to deepen my knowledge and fill all the knowledge gaps that I might have missed while learning programming by myself.

o apie mokyklą kai pasakosi, rodys, kad išsamiai įsigilinai į Python, tikriausiai nebus spragų žiniose ir t.t.

Paziurek cv karinos Paziurek skelbimus karinos

3.3 Don't get scared if you see something unfamiliar in a job ad

IMPORTANT: Apply to jobs that you aren’t qualified for!

When a hiring manager creates a job listing, they put down everything under the sun that they can think of that would be a “nice to have”. In fact, companies are rarely EVER able to find a candidate that has all the requirements.

But it is a good idea nevertheless to at least google the technologies listed so you are aware why/where/for what purpose they are used.

Believe it or not it is a very bad idea for you to take a job that you are fully qualified for because there will be no room for growth. Hiring managers know this as well.

You will be hired based on if you match most or some of the job requirements and how well you do in the interview as far as friendliness, punctuality, enthusiasm, confidence, communication skills, and ability to convince them that you are a good fit for the team.

3.4 Instead of new job - agree with current workplace

One option that CodeAcademy agrees upon is for me to work as an IT Technician for 50% of the time and the rest 50% of the time as a programmer. But that also has to be agreed upon with my workplace.

Not sure if the workplace would agree, since I was strictly told there is no "Programming" position.

3.5 LinkedIn

Use LinkedIn well and after a while you won't be looking for jobs but jobs will be looking for you :)


3.6 Hackathons

Hackathons - business problem, programmer teams, creating solutions. A good way to network and test your knowledge over a weekend in Vilnius.

3.7 Freelancing

Could freelance.. I thought about it, yes, even tried in the past, but this area seemed so THICK and full of competition(in my WordPress times). Can be a good introduction to programming jobs or keep this extra source of income and interesting jobs in the future as well. Kind of best way if I want freedom in my life.


3.8 Responding to job ads

A few main things I took is:

  • if there is a job ad on job ad site - it's already too late, the company desperately needs a person.
  • It is better to send the CV/Introduction/get in touch with HR BEFORE they create any jobs ads. They will get a chance to LOOK at your CV, and that is huge. If you are one in 50 candidates, your cv more often than not will not be viewed at all.
  • HR knows about current positions and FUTURE positions, so if you present yourself in advance, they might not need you now, but might remember you in the future.. and they will already know you :) Instead of doing all the dirty job of creating a job ad - looking for candidates and so on - they might ping you on LinkedIn.
  • Try to contact the manager of the department. If I was a manager and someone would write to me personally wanting to fill a position, I would gladly read this person's CV.
  • Write to HR recruiters - "Hello, I want to change a sphere I am working on, perhaps you got something for me?". Tell a bit about yourself also.

3.9 Agencies


3.10 Github hygiene

I should definitely clean up my Github account:

  • Remove smaller projects
  • Check comments/readmes for inappropriate words, etc.
  • Half lithuanian, half english? - no good.
  • Overall "hygiene" of the profile?