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1 Introduction
Today I had a final front-end part Codeacademy task. I was asked to use GET, POST and DELETE requests while taking design and layout inspirations from
The goal was not to use any javascript frameworks. I have also used as much pure html/css as possible, although for the form, I have decided to use Bootstrap.
Here is a live codeacademy task itself - Baigiamoji uzduotis.
2 The Process
- I have started with researching the page, figuring out how much of the cloning I can do from it.
- I then created an API for the project with mockapi and filled it with some dummy data.
- Using the dummy data I have coded the GET, POST, DELETE requests with Vanilla Javascrip, not using any frameworks and made sure they are displayed in the browser.
- Assigned localstorage values to each item so I can redirect to individual item pages.
- Made sure the styles match those of
3 Conclusion
Here is a link to my clone(give it a few seconds to load, this api service can sometimes be slow :) ).
Here is a link to the actual page.
Working with API’s, fetchign and updating data is one of the most intersting things that I have done with JavaScript so far. I am happy I have learned this skill, I can see many project ideas that can be done in a similar passion, with API’s and GET, POST requests, I just wish I had more time to play with these :)