First JavaScript test


1 2022-09-19

Today, our codeacademy group has received our first TASK.

It didn’t seem difficult, but, after the weekended of playing with Excels VBA, it seemed that I forgot everything that I learned in JavaScript.


2 Looking up EVERYTHING

Honestly, I had to google/look for examples from my own sources for each and every task. I managed to complete 95% of those, BUT it didn’t feel great that I had to keep looking things up. Of course, I have been learning JavScript only for a month now and I didn’t really build anything serious projects myself during this month, but still I was hoping this test to go more smooth.

We have 3.5 hours to complete this test, but the first hour or so I have spent tweaking my Emacs configuration (tern mode), and HTML/CSS files trying to make the browser to display the arrays in the way I want. After many unsuccessful attempts I have decided to do what the task asked and execute the code in the browsers console.

After that, I managed to go through the tasks one by one and finish them in time. Barely ;) The biggest challenge for me was the task 1.4 (adding an object to the array) and task 3 (making the cube get bigger on each click). BUT, as we got the explanations the next day, they seemed quite simple.

3 Link to the tasks and my solutions

If you would like to see those tasks and my solutions, please head here and find “Example numero 27” after pressing Ctrl+F.

4 Moral of the story

The language that you are learning… use it not only during the classes, but also to build your personal projects in your free time to ingrain all the syntax and language’s possibilities in your brain.