Display google calendar over Magicmirror


1 The idea

Found an unused raspberry pi at work. Was wondering what it would be like to use it for something useful… One of the projects I liked was “MagicMirror".

What you need:

  • Raspberry pi
  • Free monitor

Follow a well written tutorial(I watched something like this I think) and make it work to your liking.

In case you wonder where to get modules for your MagicMirror - check.

Some modules are outdated, so keep that in mind if something does not work. (like Spanish word of the day in my case. It worked for a month or so at first).

This setup barely uses any electricity(if your monitor is not super old), so I would say its quite convenient. We constantly keep an eye on it.

2 Current setup


Currently displaying google calendar and some other relevant information. Displaying one google calendar that I use together with my family members so we are all up to date with the upcoming events.

3 Future Ideas

One day I want to learn how to work with API’s so I can pull my weight data from “Google Fit” and display in MagicMirror.

Or… I could scrape and make MagicMirror display all the job adds that contained word “Python” in it.

I have many ideas like such :)