Attempts to Blog


1 Intro

2 Body

2.1 First attempts

I was trying to do the same with my journey to programming. It started a bit more than a year ago and since them I was trying to create personal blog/website.

3 Current setup

[2022-04-17 Sun] I discovered a way to make a website with emacs. Systemcrafters channel has a lot of great material covering just that.

I knew that this is the right way for me to blog, because:

  • I can use my emacs shortcuts to write and edit
  • I don’t need to reformat text to make it readable for something like CKEditor in python django. I can just straight up use emacs source blocks, headings, text blocks and so on and everything just works,
  • I can publish my blog just as easily wit Magit, push straight to Github and the changes will be visible immediately in my website,

4 Summary

For me, this is the fastest way to blog. I will be using it in the future and hopefully improve my workflow as I go along.

P.S. Update 2022-08-29. I am creating a hugo blog - AGAIN. Read why - here.