Little By Little
Just came back to the library after another "desinfection" thing for 30min, was sitting in the square, sun was shining, was reading the Turing paper, eating some ice cream, taking a walk.
As I was coming back to the library, I saw a guy that was literally burned by the sun. I thought… Is it better for me to sit in the sun 10 minutes a day and get an okey tan or sit once for 5 hours a day and get a sick tan..
Maybe its the same with learning to program. Why don't I learn little by little daily, same like doing duolingo little by little daily, same like learning guitar little by little daily…
At least I would be doing something, learning something little by little and progressing little by little. Instead of picking a subject, going all in and then burning out.
Little bit of Js, php, spaninsh, kali, python and etc daily…