JavaScript Crypto Busyness

Okay, so as the title indicates, I will talk about 3 things. JavaScript, Crypto and Busyness(being busy).

1 Javascript

Today is the day I decided to start looking into JavaScript programming language. I feel a certain aversion towards it, I imagine that I can do exact same things with python as with JavaScript, so I don't really have to learn it, I should just stick with Python… BUT, I later realized, that come on man, learn Javascript, its on every "web dev roadmap", later you will have to learn raact, because everyone is using it, and Lithuania job adds require that as well. Both use Javascript, so might as well learn it. Put the php aside, focus on your thrird language - Javascript.

As I am writing this I just realized that the majority of my time learning programming so far I spend time making decisions. Or thinking aobut the decisions I have previously made, or adjusting to those decisions.

Just because I didnt have anything mentoring me or guiding me "How to use programming so you could work remotely from the mountains or from the beach while travelling in a van and make a living off it". I started as a "machine learning guy" with Andrew Ng coursera course. Then I got interested in Linux a lot. Then I thought I will do some data science and use python a lot. Then I got an offer to build an eccomerce site and changed my attention to web development, which I am fousing on these days. I think starting off programming as a Machine learning engineer would be a quite big thing to chew on, I relize now that me getting down a few levels is a good idea and starting with the webdev path is a good choice. It helps me to understand the whole programming type of lifestyle.

I start seeeing that all these fields that I tried dipping my toes in using similar kind of langauges even thought they are named differently. Now, learning Javascript, I can skip throught many beginning tutorials, because I have heard about the "variables, functions, etc" material before, in machine learnign and python courses that I took. So that is good news for me. I just glanced at an email I got with ecommerce shop examples and lost my train of thought. Choo choo… on to the next topic.

2 Crypto

So, today Julyte decided to buy crypto currencty, I thought about it as well, it might be an intersting thing to get involved, overlooking all the possible dangers. To help her a little with It I watched this video. It is so far first and only video I have wached about crypto currency. I heard one podcast before and thought that all this is not really form me right now, I am too busy learning programming to get involved in something like this.this video

After watching a video I made a summary of the talking points and realized that there are a lof of things to consider when getting into all this crypto thing. Especially about security.. Hackers are constantly trying to get into your wallet, trying to get into your prefered gates that you use to buy crypto, wallets.. dangers are everywhere and you are alone in this, you can not really call customers service and ask for help. You are your own bank and you are responsible for its safety. I might give it a try one day, just curious how it works. Will do it with litle amounts, with all the notebooks and stuff.

3 Busyness

Quite a strange title, I know. It is just a direct translation from Lithuanian. Uzimtumas means Busyness. There is a goverment institution that is making sure the unemployed people stay busy. So today I got a call from them, because I am unemployed at the moment, explained about my situation, that I am learning to program for a few monhts now and that I am building an eccomemrce site and so on.. she seemed okay wiht my answer, and after I asked her if there are any courses provided by the country for people like me, she advised me to read this article. In it, the sitution of a girl, who finished a certain course story is being told, how she can not find a job and she is being pressed by the government to find a job, otherwise she will have to return the tuition fees and so on…

Not sure why she shared it with me, but I am not taking any such courses and will continue learning by myself. I already see the progress and I know way more things than I did when I started. Its cool to see yourself progress.