Black Box Statistics

Excited about starting to learn python on April 1st, so thought I will try to look into something I should have looked into during this whole month of March… Last day huh. Like always. Hm.. anyway, some black boxing of some statistics terms.

MEAN - the average of the numbeers. Add up all numbers, divide by how many numbesr there are.

MEDIAN - middle of a sorted list of numbers. If can't find the middle number, add the 2 close ones and divide them by two.

MODE - Numbers in order, count how many of each number, which appears most often is the mode. Two modes - bimodal. Grouping is useful also.


VARIANCE + (standard deviation) - the average of the squared differences from the Mean. Dogs.

IQR - interquartile range - numbers in order, find median. Take from both sides medians again and then minus one from the other, you get the IQR.

CORRELATION and CAUSALITY - explanation Khan.

MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD - looks cool. Finding the best fit first stat quest video.

2021-04-08 10:24

Was learning more statistics, feeling bad that I left it behind. Have some time before the python course that I registered for, so will catch up with stats.

Was looking at Khan accademy statistics course and found some things that I struggle with. The first paragraph presented the two way table and it was so confusing for me. The second day I crcked it.

Okay back to the business. Since I dont have a proper notebook that I dream about, I will just write my notes here and improve my vim and html skils at the same time.

Currently I am here.


Point means one or more value is there, then other side the same, then the meat of the distribution is where the box is. Line is the median - the middle number. Distribution is skewed to the left. more values on the left.

Outlier - data point is way off from all the other data points.

Cluster - group of data. 0-2 days is a cluster for example.

2021-04-09 15:08


Standard deviation - how far on average we are form the mean. Cool, makes sense in the last sentence of This video

Few notes on variance and how to find it. From the video above as well. Just wannah have those here.
