Excel stuff


I would really like to have some actual data to work with, but I can not find any that I would 1-know how to read, 2-know how to work with, 3-would not get frustrated just by looking at csv file full of digits and and commas.

Creating my own dataset just by typing words and numbers in a google sheet is possible(and probably I will end up doing that and using what I come up with for the next two weeks), but… I forgot what I wanted to say.

The thing is, according to my "plan" I am supposed to be learning about excel and statistics right now, but for some reason as I watch a tutorial or read a book (think stats) I come up to a road block which tells me that to continue you need to know how to use python or how to use excel. 1-I dont know how to use python and I am supposed to learn in in 2 weeks(according to my plan :D) and 2-I dont have excel on my computer (need to install in on linux through vine after finding a free ISO…) and google sheets lacks some functions that I see tutorials about…

Again, I don't feel that I am progressing anywhere, I am just looking at various ways to get data, learning about various types of data and basically finding out ways of how NOT to start learning DS :D But it's alright, I'll get there.

Lets focus on excel for the rest of today. 16:20

Filters in excel a quite useful.

Filters in - excel are quite useful. Watching in 1.5x speed just to get an idea of what is possible. Totals, nice. Transform your data into a table to get an easy totals/averages and so on. You get not only filering options but also your forumulas or charts referencing the data - they both get updated. Kay, will keep in mind.

Formulas and Functions by the guy who works at Microsoft :D.

Been seeing median here and there, so here is a refresher:


Concatenate - =CONCAT(x1,x2) takes value from one row, then from the other one that you selec and separate with comman and puts them together in one "langeli".

If - IF(D13"smile", "yay", "boo") good times Csongor, good times ;) IF a field equals to a word "smile", the returned value will be "yay", if the field equals to anything else than "smile", returns the value "boo".

Countif - Selecting a range of values and asking the formula to calculate how many instances that we have specied are in the given range. For example. =COUNTIF(B1:G7, 1) formula presents me with a number that tells me how many numbers "1" are in the field that I asked to look in.

Vlookup - things are getting more interesting. So Vlookup looks at the table, lest say the table has two values… you know, let me just put an image rly quick (more vim and html practice on top of that).


So the formula that found out the favorite color of ciongibongi is as such - =VLOOKUP(D18,D15:E18,2,FALSE)

Sumif - is a nice function I guess but wont make an example, I am aware of it alright.

p.s. damn it takes a lot of time to write this html document in a proper way. I sometimes miss Word document, but sometimes I don't. Vim has it's own advantages, but I am new with it so I am a little bit slow. Learned how to yank, paste a word or a whole line today.