Thoughts on Achieving Goals

How good is it to work 24/7 on one particular thing?

Might Look like a great idea, you will get accoomplished a lot, right? But only in one area. F.x. Programming. But what about your health, the body that actually allows you to be learning this stuff. Who will take care of it? Diet, exercise, mobility, simply movement. Who will take care of all the other things in your life And all of this is CRUCIAL for being productive, really. You can not have NO food and be productive. You can not have breaks where you exercise because you wont clear you head, find new ideas and at the same time train your mind. You must do those. Damn balance is very very important. Have to have everything in your life in order to be good at one particular thing, no? But hm there are examples of people who are super super good at one subject and suck at others. Like programmers f.x, they dont rally care about their bodies right? But its probably the battle you choose.. I personally think its important for me to take care of my body first and ONLY and WHEN I do that I will be productive and find time for other things. Just like at 12th grade, remember? You had so many things on your to do list and managed to do all of them. The more busy you are the more you can accomplish. Books, guitar, exercise, cold showers, food, programming, shop, relatives, friends, etc etc are all possible and should be tried to be managed. Like in todays video - streching video Says the more you strech per day doesn't increse the benefits, but that frequency of 6 days a week and 5 minutes total for that week is what's important. 6 days a week 5 minutes total = yield best streching results, more is simply not necessary. This shocked me a little, simply because I agree on it and I was acting completely different the entire last month. I would think that I am working just because I am spending a lot of time on it, but I was simply staying in place in terms of my progress.

Look at yourself now. Today, its 11am, you ate, you have already found time to learn about calculus and feel good about the direction you are going to. You did run for 10 or so mins, you did 4x10 squats with 10kg on your back, you wanted to go to the shop but didnt take your mask with you, you came back and took a cold shower, got into fresh clothes and went back to study and now you are even doing stuff with your website. All of this would not have been possible if I would have stayed with the previous or Lex Fridman mindset to focus on one thing only. Not Lex, its mostly mine, because I have been like this my whole life. It is either ALL or NOTHING. But maybe the middle path is the right choice, right, Candy?

1 Parkinson's Law

Parkinson's Law is the old adage that work expands to fill the time allotted. Put simply, the amount of work required adjusts to the time available for its completion.

It also illustrates very well what I was expriencing. The more time I have, the more work will appear. But as we have seen from the streching example - more work does not necessarily bring better results.

1.1 But does it then mean

That in order to have a productive DAY you also have to balance out the work and relaxation? 50% 50%?;)