Never ending task and notes capture/refile/archive question

I make too many different configurations from time to time.

Probably because I don't use emacs for this often. So when I create a system that I like and not use it for 2-3 months, I come to this question again, then decide to rewrite it. Then I don't use it for some more months.. then rewrite again…

I am too tired of this. I want one system that works both when I am at home and at work. Will write some notes here HOW WHEN and WHY I chose what I chose.

1 [2024-01-14 Sun]

  • MANY FILES OR ONE BIG FILE one file per project.

    agenda tag is the key(with denote)

    I can then do something like this:

(setq org-agenda-files
  (directory-files-recursively "~/GIT/notes/" ".*agenda.*\\.org$"))

    archive inside. internal archiving. Can view in agenda, can preview quickly inside the file. For some reason tags are applied on each headline, but w/e for now.

  • REFILLING Refilling to agenda files only
  • CAPTURING Capture to notes/tasks files of a subject(rights, shipping in my case)
  • AGENDA Use to remember what tasks are in progress, etc.
  • DOCUMENTATION Write proper docs in a separate denote file, snippets taken from notes.