Build a website with emacs and org-static-blog

1 Docs

2 Installation

(use-package org-static-blog
  :ensure t)

3 Try using the minimal config

Taken from the docs.

(setq org-static-blog-publish-title "My Static Org Blog")
(setq org-static-blog-publish-url "")
(setq org-static-blog-publish-directory "~/projects/blog/")
(setq org-static-blog-posts-directory "~/projects/blog/posts/")
(setq org-static-blog-drafts-directory "~/projects/blog/drafts/")
(setq org-static-blog-enable-tags t)
(setq org-export-with-toc nil)
(setq org-export-with-section-numbers nil)

;; This header is inserted into the <head> section of every page:
;;   (you will need to create the style sheet at
;;    ~/projects/blog/static/style.css
;;    and the favicon at
;;    ~/projects/blog/static/favicon.ico)
(setq org-static-blog-page-header
      "<meta name=\"author\" content=\"John Dow\">
<meta name=\"referrer\" content=\"no-referrer\">
<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"initial-scale=1,width=device-width,minimum-scale=1\">
<link href= \"static/style.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />
<link rel=\"icon\" href=\"static/favicon.ico\">")

;; This preamble is inserted at the beginning of the <body> of every page:
;;   This particular HTML creates a <div> with a simple linked headline
(setq org-static-blog-page-preamble
      "<div class=\"header\">
  <a href=\"\">My Static Org Blog</a>

;; This postamble is inserted at the end of the <body> of every page:
;;   This particular HTML creates a <div> with a link to the archive page
;;   and a licensing stub.
(setq org-static-blog-page-postamble
      "<div id=\"archive\">
  <a href=\"\">Other posts</a>
<center><a rel=\"license\" href=\"\"><img alt=\"Creative Commons License\" style=\"border-width:0\" src=\"\" /></a><br /><span xmlns:dct=\"\" href=\"\" property=\"dct:title\" rel=\"dct:type\"></span> by <a xmlns:cc=\"\" href=\"\" property=\"cc:attributionName\" rel=\"cc:attributionURL\">Bastian Bechtold</a> is licensed under a <a rel=\"license\" href=\"\">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License</a>.</center>")

;; This HTML code is inserted into the index page between the preamble and
;;   the blog posts
(setq org-static-blog-index-front-matter
      "<h1> Welcome to my blog </h1>\n")

Now do org-static-blog-publish to generate html pages from your publish directory to your posts directory.

As you can see you can customize the html-head, preamble(that's navigation part for me) and postamble(that's footer for me). That's all you need in a static site not to write repetitive code for each! Great!

4 Decide where to place the configuration

Now the configuration above might get large if you start modifying the head, preamble, postamble.. Also if you have multiple blogs/websites that you want to publish this way, you need to have two separate configurations.

Eventually you realize that you can't store multiple configurations in your emacs config file.

So the solution to this is to create a "build" folder and in it have such files:

└── build-site.el should be made to be executable chmo o+x and it's contents are:

emacs -Q --script build-site.el

and build-site.el content would contain your org-static-blog configuration(we will remove the configuration from our emacs config and place it in this file with a couple of additions):

;; NEW START ------------------------------------------------------------------------

;; Set the package installation directory so that packages aren't stored in the
;; ~/.emacs.d/elpa path.
(require 'package)
(setq package-user-dir (expand-file-name "./.packages"))
(setq package-archives '(("melpa" . "")
                         ("elpa" . "")))

;; Initialize the package system
(unless package-archive-contents

(message "Package refresh complete!")

;; Install dependencies inside the ./packages directory
;; should install ONLY org-static-blog
(package-install 'org-static-blog)
(message "Package installation complete!")

;; NEW END ------------------------------------------------------------------------

(setq org-static-blog-publish-title "My Static Org Blog")
(setq org-static-blog-publish-url "")
(setq org-static-blog-publish-directory "~/projects/blog/")
(setq org-static-blog-posts-directory "~/projects/blog/posts/")
(setq org-static-blog-drafts-directory "~/projects/blog/drafts/")
(setq org-static-blog-enable-tags t)
(setq org-export-with-toc nil)
(setq org-export-with-section-numbers nil)

;; This header is inserted into the <head> section of every page:
;;   (you will need to create the style sheet at
;;    ~/projects/blog/static/style.css
;;    and the favicon at
;;    ~/projects/blog/static/favicon.ico)
(setq org-static-blog-page-header
      "<meta name=\"author\" content=\"John Dow\">
    <meta name=\"referrer\" content=\"no-referrer\">
    <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"initial-scale=1,width=device-width,minimum-scale=1\">
    <link href= \"static/style.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" />
    <link rel=\"icon\" href=\"static/favicon.ico\">")

;; This preamble is inserted at the beginning of the <body> of every page:
;;   This particular HTML creates a <div> with a simple linked headline
(setq org-static-blog-page-preamble
      "<div class=\"header\">
      <a href=\"\">My Static Org Blog</a>

;; This postamble is inserted at the end of the <body> of every page:
;;   This particular HTML creates a <div> with a link to the archive page
;;   and a licensing stub.
(setq org-static-blog-page-postamble
      "<div id=\"archive\">
      <a href=\"\">Other posts</a>
    <center><a rel=\"license\" href=\"\"><img alt=\"Creative Commons License\" style=\"border-width:0\" src=\"\" /></a><br /><span xmlns:dct=\"\" href=\"\" property=\"dct:title\" rel=\"dct:type\"></span> by <a xmlns:cc=\"\" href=\"\" property=\"cc:attributionName\" rel=\"cc:attributionURL\">Bastian Bechtold</a> is licensed under a <a rel=\"license\" href=\"\">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License</a>.</center>")

;; This HTML code is inserted into the index page between the preamble and
;;   the blog posts
(setq org-static-blog-index-front-matter
      "<h1> Welcome to my blog </h1>\n")

;; NEW START ------------------------------------------------------------------------

(org-static-blog-publish t)

(message "Build complete!")

;; NEW END ------------------------------------------------------------------------

That's it. Now when we will run the bash script (./, it will install org-static-blog package into the /build directory if it does not already exist. It will then do the html conversion from org files as you have specified and at the end it will print out "Build complete!"

5 My configuration as of [2023-12-19 Tue]

Stopped using it before I went to build devnotes site with ox-publish - building development notes website with Emacs

;; Set the package installation directory so that packages aren't stored in the
;; ~/.emacs.d/elpa path.
(require 'package)
(setq package-user-dir (expand-file-name "./.packages"))
(setq package-archives '(("melpa" . "")
                         ("elpa" . "")))

;; Initialize the package system
(unless package-archive-contents

(message "Package refresh complete!")

;; Install dependencies inside the ./packages directory
;; should install ONLY org-static-blog
(package-install 'org-static-blog)
(message "Package installation complete!")

;; stop making ~ files
(setq make-backup-files nil)

;; directories and urls
(setq org-static-blog-publish-title "")
(setq org-static-blog-publish-url "")
(setq org-static-blog-publish-directory "~/GIT/devnotes/html")
(setq org-static-blog-posts-directory "~/GIT/devnotes/org")
(setq org-static-blog-drafts-directory "~/GIT/devnotes/drafts")
(setq org-static-blog-index-length 3)
(setq org-static-blog-preview-date-first-p nil)
(setq org-static-blog-use-preview t)
(setq org-static-blog-langcode "en")
(setq org-static-blog-enable-tags t)
(setq org-static-blog-no-post-tag "NONPOST")
(setq org-static-blog-enable-deprecation-warning nil)
(setq org-static-blog-page-header
"<meta name=\"author\" content=\"Arvydas Gasparavicius\">
<meta name=\"referrer\" content=\"no-referrer\">
<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"initial-scale=1,width=device-width,minimum-scale=1\">
<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"../static/style.css\"/>
<link rel=\"icon\" href=\"../static/ag.ico\">
<script src=\"../static/lightbox.js\"></script>
<script src=\"static/auto-render.min.js\"></script>")

(setq org-static-blog-page-preamble "<br>preamble here yo</br>")
(setq org-static-blog-page-postamble
"<div id=\"footer\">
<p>2021-2023 Arvydas Gasparavicius</p>
<script src=\"static/script.js\"></script>

(setq org-static-blog-index-front-matter
"<h1> Hello there!</h1>
<div id=\"intro\">
<p> My name is Arvydas. <a class=\"no-link\" href=\"\">My Github</a>.</p>
<p> If you are interested in some of my writings, here are some of my latest posts:</p>

(org-static-blog-publish t)

(message "Build complete!")


6.1 use CSS built in css from ox-html

We can customize org-static-blog-page-header and add your custom css stylesheet, or we can try to use the built in ox-html stylesheet(provides nice code block styling)

Adding this to your configuration:

(require 'ox-html)                    ;or (require 'ox-publish)
(setq org-static-blog-page-header org-html-style-default)

You will be able to use the default style sheets of ox-html or ox-publish in your org-static-blog project.

But still, you might prefer to have full control of your stylesheets, so better keep the first option that I have suggested with style.css file.

6.2 org-html-themes

ORRR last thing that you can try when it comes to styling your website, try using one of these, org-html-themes.

You can point to one of these themes like such, by placing this code at the top of file:

Or if you have downloaded the code(more future proof solution), add such line at the top of your .org file.

#+SETUPFILE: PATH/TO/GIT/REPO/org/theme-NAME-local.setup

Of course we can also modify our setq org-static-blog-page-header to contain the org-html-themes, but I won't do that this time since I know I will be using my own custom stylesheet.

7 pros/cons

7.0.1 PROS

  • does everything for you
  • tags
  • archives
  • rss feed
  • especially good for blogs, but for other things - overkill?

7.0.2 CONS

  • big program(installable package, not built in)
  • links don't work
  • can't handle multiple projects