Moving emacsd into dotfiles repo

So today [2023-12-09 Sat] is a morning for configs.

Shell is not working properly(wrong time in wsl). I use tmux sometimes, I use fish now(config will come also probably), I use vim sometimes, I want my .bashrc file to look certain way… many config files and they are now all over the place on different machines.

I need to have one repo for this.

What I did, because I did not want to lose the .emacs.d version history is renamed that repo to dotfiles. Inside of that dotfiles directory I have created .emacs.d folder content. I then git clone that folder into any location on my machine and then link the .emacd.d folder to that git folder like such:

# source destination(your wanted new location)
ln -s GIT/dotfiles/.emacs.d/ .emacs.d

and now when I launch emacs from anywhere inside my wsl, it looks into GIT/dotfiles/.emacs.d/ for my .emacs.d config files. Great.

Now in that dotfiles folder I can start putting other config files.