# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# active and running containers
docker ps
# previously ran images, you can start them and connect to them again
docker ps -a
# docker stats
docker stats
# list docker images available
docker images
# pull an image from artifactory/dockerhub
docker pull docker-io.repo7.hello.se/python:3.10-buster
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# build an image with Dockerfile in the current dir
docker build -t image_name .
# run the docker image
docker run <image_id/name>
# f.x docker run -d -p 8000:8000 rights
# Run the container with --rm flag to automatically remove the container
# that was created when the container EXITS. Good for testing.
docker run --rm b3e0903d079d
# something
docker run -rm -it b3e0903d079d /bin/bash
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# run in interactive mode, connect to it
docker run -ti ubuntu /bin/bash
docker run -ti ubuntu /bin/bash -c "apt update && apt upgrade -y"
# run in interactive mode, connect to it, will be deleted after
# disconnect
docker run -ti --rm ubuntu /bin/bash
# attach to already created container!!!!
docker attach <id>
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# remove docker containers from ps -a
docker rm -f <id>
# remove docker image
docker rmi <image_name>
# delete or remove all docker data like containers, images and volumes
# delete all containers
docker rm --force `docker ps -qa`
# delte all images
docker rmi --force `docker images -aq`
# idk prune smth
docker volume prune
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# save an image of container. A commit is only necessary after each
# run if you want to make a snapshot there for future use, otherwise
# the container itself will stick around for you to keep using.
docker commit <id> new_name