2022-07 first month as IT technician


1 Intro

So this is supposed to be a post about my first time as IT technician, but almost 2 months have passed and I still haven’t found the time to write it. But here it is, let’s get straight into it.

My first IT job experience. Got accepted to do two other jobs in this company, but I firmly stated that I want to be in IT field, even if it meant that I will be fixing printers. You know, I think it would be easier for me to list down some points about these months, like braindump and whenever someone wants to know more about it - I will share more info. I can write a huge paper about those months, but it would take just too much of my precious time. Let’s go:

  • Dude has decades of experience
  • Just ask to buy a new printer
  • Get your hands off me, we are conservative
  • Are these guys here part time or full time
  • Boss on vacation, who is going to take the jobs?
  • Printer master
  • Why not let everyone know that you are about to yawn
  • Amazing people working as operators
  • Remote connection to computers
  • Amazed about AD, group policies, o365 interconnection of everything
  • There is no one that can not be replaced
  • Nera nepakeiciamu, yra tik nepakeisti Just try to blow on it
  • Phats master
  • Digitalboard master
  • Boss forever busy
  • Support company
  • Passwords on shared drive
  • taking over wise things
  • Jira
  • Klaipeda
  • Cant find IT engineers in Panevezys, offered myself to be trained, agreed
  • So yeah, I already learned a lot. From what the IT field actually is to how to work with a group of people(didn’t really have this experience yet), how to work in a large company and so on.. My travels really didn’t teach me about it, so I am happy I am learning about it now.

Currently [2022-07-03 Sun] I am still an IT Technician that got offered to be trained to become an IT Engineer. I am happy about it, because I will get more time to use my head rather than my feet running from one place to another. Hopefully I will learn about servers, AD, o365, virtual machines, backups

At the same time, in the evenings I would like to be doing this course instead of a physical 3 year course that I could be doing in my hometown remotely after work. Thanks Remigijus for the advise. At he same time I would like to watch as many of these videos as possible.

Anyway, there is a lot of learn! Maybe it is not a programming field, but I think knowledge about servers and how large companies work is quite useful to know and then someday I can switch to doing more programming work, but for now this opportunity is good enough as a first IT job.

Happy I wrote this. Going to watch some news with my bb :)